Feel free to email me for the drafts of the papers in prep. *=co-first authors.
- In Prep. Ndebele Passive-like Impersonals
- In Prep. Mobile Affixation in Balto-Slavic.
- In Prep. Attributive N-N Compounds in Lithuanian: a DM approach (with Yuriy Kushnir) to be submitted to NLLT
- In Prep. Referential vs. Impersonal you. (with Raffaella Zanuttini) to be submitted to Language.
- Under Revision. Linguistic Inquiry. Lithuanian -si- is not in second position. PDF
- Revised and Resubmitted to NLLT. Šereikaitė, Milena. Voice and Case Properties of Complex Event Nominalizations: a Voice-bundling Approach. PDF
- 2023. Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr* and Šereikaitė, Milena*. The dual face of structural object case: on Lithuanian genitive of negation. Journal of Linguistics, 1-52. doi:10.1017/S0022226723000130 .PDF
- 2022. Šereikaitė, Milena. Impersonals, Passives and Impersonal Pronouns: lessons from Lithuanian. Syntax, 25(2), 188-241 PDF
- 2021. Šereikaitė, Milena. Active Existential in Lithuanian: Remarks on Burzio’s generalization. Linguistic Inquiry. 52 (4): 747–789. PDF
- 2020. Šereikaitė, Milena. Voice and Case Phenomena in Lithuanian Morphosyntax. PhD Thesis. PDF
- 2020. Legate, Julie Anne, Akkuş, Faruk, Šereikaitė, Milena and Don Ringe. On Passives of passives. Language. 96(4), 771-818. PDF
- Best Paper in Language Award at the LSA 2021
- 2019. Adamson, Luke* and Šereikaitė, Milena*. Representing Gender and Defaults: Evidence from Lithuanian. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 121. PDF
- 2018. Šereikaitė, Milena. Strong vs. weak definites: Evidence from Lithuanian adjectives. In: Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Julia Pozas Loyo and Violeta Vázquez-Rojas Maldonado (eds.). Definiteness across languages, 395–423. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3252016
- 2018. Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr*, Šereikaitė, Milena* and Marcel Pitteroff. (2018) The structural nature of non-structural case: On passivization and case in Lithuanian. Proceedings of Linguistics Society of America. 3.31:1-15. DOI:
- 2018. Šereikaitė, Milena. Lexical vs. Nominal prefixes and Their Meaning Domains. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 24 : Iss. 1, Article 22.DOI:
- 2017. Šereikaitė, Milena. Lithuanian Passive-like Impersonals and Regular Passives, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 23 : Iss. 1 , Article 26.
- 2017. Šereikaitė, Milena. The Reanalysis of Lithuanian Reflexive -si-: a DM approach. Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Aaron Kaplan et al., 447-453.
Selected Handouts
- 2024. Referential vs. Impersonal you. with Raffaella Zanuttini. LSA. Handout_Final
- 2022. Lithuanian attributive compounds: A DM approach. with Yuriy Kushnir. CLS. poster PDF and handout
- 2022. Voice and Case: Lessons from nominalizations without passives.PDF
- 2021. Datives and Ditransitives in Lithuanian. Presented at Ditransitives across languages and frameworks. PDF
- 2020. Voice and Case Phenomena in Lithuanian Morphosyntax. Defense slides. PDF
- 2020. LSA. Case properties of Complex Event Nominalizations in Lithuanian. PDF
- 2019. LSA. Lithuanian Evidentials and Passives of Evidentials. with Julie Anne Legate. PDF
- 2018. CLS. The Neuter Agreement Constraint in Lithuanian. with Luke Adamson. PDF
- 2018. CLS. The dual face of dependent case: On Lithuanian genitive of negation. with Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr. PDF
- 2017. PLC. Lexical vs. Nominal Prefixes and their meaning domains. PDF